Our items cannot be returned because they are digital products. Therefore it is not possible to buy/try/return and get a refund. All our plugins have Free versions available on WordPress.org.

You’ll be given a refund in the following cases

  • The item is not as described: some features or functionalities are missing.
  • The item has a security vulnerability that cannot be fixed.
  • You’ve been requesting support that has not been provided to you within a reasonable amount of time.
  • Any other reason we deem acceptable.

Refunds won’t be provided in the following cases

  • The item didn’t meet your expectations.
  • You bought the item by mistake or simply changed your mind.
  • Bundled products.
  • Renewal payments.
  • Technical issues caused by 3rd party plugins, themes or other software do NOT provide grounds for a refund.

Refund time frame

  • Refund requests must occur within 14 days after the date of your purchase. 
  • If you are eligible for a refund, you’ll be refunded within 48 hours after your request is approved.

How we handle refund requests

Our goal is not to deny all refund requests at all costs. We build our plugins in the hope that they are useful but without any warranty. We will consider every refund requests and be fair. Refunds will be provided at our sole discretion. By purchasing plugins on our site, you agree to this refund policy.