I’m choosing 3/4/5 members per line but I get 2

When building your team, you can choose a layout in the settings at the top right corner of the page (members per line). You can choose the number of members you want to show per line/row before a new line is created.

If you picked 3 or 4 for example and realize that what you get on the front end is different (2 columns) then you might be using a Page Builder/Visual Composer/Elementor (or anything else that helps you build pages with drag and drop through the use of widgets/components).

How to fix it

If it’s your case (if you’re using a Page Builder/Visual Composer/Elementor), make sure you are using a text/HTML widget when adding the shortcode to your page. These widgets can have different names depending on the framework, here’s a non-exhaustive list of what such a widget could be called:

  • Text
  • Raw HTML
  • Custom HTML
  • HTML
  • Shortcode